Monday, April 10, 2006

Yosemite Trip

Peter, Julie, Mel and I went to Yosemite two weekends ago... Here's the damage.

A rock with some fancy name I don't remember

An expensive-looking vista with a middle-class view I can't afford

Landmark Half Dome in the sunset...

Cross-country skiing was gorgeous on snow-covered trails

Rare picture of Julie not falling

Yosemite Falls

Humans covering up pretty scenary

More mortals obscuring the immortal

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Google Reader's fairly cool sharing

Google Reader now lets you share your RSS feeds. It's pretty cool; basically, you can label your feed items, and people can subscribe to your labels. So for example, if you have a friend who shares your interests and is an RSS hound, he can go through many feeds and mark only certain ones as "interesting". You, who are much busier and have, say, a job to do, can subscribe to his "interesting" label (itself a feed) to read all feed items that are interesting to him and, by extension, to you. It doesn't quite replace news aggregator blogs (no comments/discussion), but it's a lot more convenient.

Furthermore, you can have a "clip" of your label feed. I've put up a section on the sidebar with some feed items that I've found interesting. The clip comes with a few (fairly ugly) pre-determined themes, but the best part is that you can style yourself with CSS (though this is undocumented). The relevant class names used are:

  • The entire webclip box: div.reader-publisher-module
  • The header: h3
  • The bullets: ul/li
  • The source: div.s
  • The "Read in Google Reader" line: div.f; set display:none; if you don't want it to appear :-)

Sarah Beth's awesome birthday card

Sarah Beth has created this very awesome birthday card for me... I have no idea where she got the pictures, because they're definitely not my pictures.