Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sausalito & Muir Woods trip with Parents

We took our parents to Sausalito and Muir Woods when they came up in October. Some highlights:


At Muir Woods, there's this awesome plank of wood that a lot of ladybugs are inexplicably attracted to...


Rest of the album here:

new blogger... and now in colors!

Blogger is out of beta! All sorts of cool features are included, like post labeling and an awesome new widget/template system that gives you drag-and-drop layout editing for the layman, and pretty fine-grained control (by editing an xhtml document) for those who want it.

In the process, they invented their own widget language for defining how widgets work. I don't know how wise that is, but it works reasonably well (if rather difficult to edit in the tiny provided textarea). I was easily able to show a clip of my Google Reader shared items thus: first, add an HTML/Javascript page element. Go to Google Reader, click on "Shared Items", click on "Put a clip on your website", customize your look and feel (I took away all styles), and copy-paste that HTML snippet into your Blogger HTML page element content. There's actually also a Blogger Feed page element for displaying feeds, but it can only show at most five items at a time from the feed (what's up with that?!).

I'm a bit saddened that there's no page element for showing recent posts like you could before. And the Post a Comment page is still, inexplicably, in a pop-up that totally doesn't follow the blog's styles. And I still hate writing blogs in these tiny textareas, though maybe I should start publishing from writely instead...

In any case, after some obvious amount of sweat and labor, I was finally able to gut one of the new Blogger templates and strip it down to the bare essentials with the beautiful Courier New font we all love and enjoy! And, for a bit of holiday fun, I went all crazy and added red to all the headings. It's mad, I know, I know. But I can indulge once in a while. It is the holidays after all!