Tuesday, June 1, 2004

my A-

Well then, it finally happened. I got my first A-. In my great Bergman class too, no less. I've always thought I'd feel relieved when I finally shed myself the burden of carrying my GPA around. But really, just blind panic. Relief will probably set in after my midlife crisis. What a bummer.

Naturally I sent in a grading complaint immediately, not exactly begging for reconsideration, but requesting for explanation. I got this email in response:

Dear Chung,

It was a good thing you inquired, because I did make a small clerical error in the calculation of your grade, and when I corrected it, you were brought up to an A. I will have to file a grade change form, which I will pursue today. I apologize for the error. One thing I should mention; though you had perfect attendance, you didn't have an A for attendance and participation, because you elected not to participate for the most part. I calculate that grade on the basis of both attendance and participation in discussion. But you achieved something on the final that only one other person did -- you got 100%! So you certainly earned your A in the course.

To quote someone, "silly humanities classes!"