Tuesday, July 13, 2004

more things I cannot argue with

Him: summer is halfway over
Him: it's already the beginning of the end

Me: it's always the beginning of the end

Him: no
Him: it can be the start of a new beginning

Me: but it will be the beginning of the end still
Me: even if you're starting it

Him: if you imagine summer as a bell shaped curve
Him: where x-axis is time
Him: and where y is the "ride" of summer
Him: then only after the peak in the middle does the end begin
Him: moreover,
Him: the curve can also be skewed so that it does not actually peak until further down the x-axis
Him: therefore, you are incorrect
Him: Q.E.D.
Him: as a corollary to this treatise i posit you to find one individual who would say that it is indeed the beginning of the end at the first day of the summer

1 comments: (Post a Comment)

Anonymous said...

trying an anonymous post thing...