Monday, November 8, 2004


Ah, I just realized the character flaw that defines me. I take too close to heart the saying that "the higher you climb, the harder you fall". And I'm so afraid of a fall that I hardly attempt a climb at all. So there I am, sitting half a mountain up, going to classes, doing homework, working late nights, with no intention of reaching much higher, but content that I'm not any place worse. Sure, it's nice to have no illusions, but I've also become utterly predictable and stagnant. Certainly I can achieve nothing greater in my life than what I can recover from in its failure. And that's boring.

And now I'm starting to be dissatisfied with my contentment...

2 comments: (Post a Comment)

Anonymous said...

Not getting any pussy (or cock) eh?

Anonymous said...

"If you could be anything you wanted, you would be disappointed, am I right?" (Modest Mouse)

--Kevin, from CS 172