Sunday, January 30, 2005

trying Hello...

Trying out Blogger's Hello program for image-hosting. I dunno... Isn't it *really* awkward and *really* weird to have to use an IM client to post images to your blog? I've complained about this in an earlier post, and I'm still annoyed. Posted by Hello

ARRUG! And there's no way to specify a title! And it puts that annoying Hello icon above in the post! Damn it.

EDIT: oops, okay, so you can tell Hello to not put that icon there. That's nice. Still annoyed at the non-title though.

2 comments: (Post a Comment)

Anonymous said...

From Justin:

Which Radiohead CD should I get again?

Unknown said...

Well let's see. The canonical one to start out with is "ok computer", which many regard as THE Radiohead CD. It's hard to disagree, given that it's completely flawless.

If you enjoyed the more guitar-oriented elements of "ok computer", you can move back in time to The Bends, which is the more traditional Radiohead album (though still filled with amazing classics). Do not go past The Bends (we'd all like to forget Pablo Honey happened).

If you enjoyed the more electronic elements of ok computer, you'll want to move forward to Kid A, which is my favorite Radiohead album. Then you'll have to get Amnesia, which is recorded in the same sessions as Kid A; the two are inseparable.

Hail to the Thief is kind of a synthesis of the two radically different sides of Radiohead. It has more guitars than Kid A and Amnesia, but is still filled with cold electronic landscapes. A more controversial move would be to start here as your first album; it's a nice summary of Radiohead's career up to this point.

Yes, it's a science.