Friday, April 15, 2005

best conversations happen in the bathroom

Don't you love it when you run into your research professor in the bathroom, and he starts talking to you as he pees? These situations always make me nervous as hell. Here's a transcript:

He: so are you graduating?
I: Yeah, yeah
He: so what will you be up to?
I: uh, after graduation or now?
He: no, after you graduate
I: well, I'll be working at google for a year... You know, to learn some "real" stuff.

At this point, I realized that I just called everything he worked for "fake", and started panicking. With my razor sharp reflexes, I followed,

I: that is, but, then, after a year, I'll be back in grad school, where I'll be doing the real real stuff.
He: yeah, well, you might learn a thing or two at google.
I: Two. I'm guessing two.


3 comments: (Post a Comment)

Anonymous said...

Eeeehehehehehehehe!! That's not all that happened between us in the bathroom, you naughty, naughty boy. Tsk tsk - the things (and people) you'll do for a letter of rec! ;)

Unknown said...

Wow this anonymous posting thing must be the worst idea.

Yang, you punk. As revenge, I told everyone in the lab your berkeley email address. They enjoyed it. So much.

Anonymous said...

Chung, come to my office. Immediately. I expect a "full body report" on your research work. ;) Also, bring your cheerleader outfit.